历史悠久的军官俱乐部(Presidio Officers’Club)内部,有木梁天花板和大型枝形吊灯.


Presidio为特殊活动提供了许多独特和历史悠久的场地选择, many with a spectacular view of the Bay and park grounds.

The Presidio 提供了一个独特的室内和室外活动场地的集合,许多壮观的景色 Golden Gate BridgeAlcatraz, and the expansive park grounds. 虽然这些场馆目前因COVID-19而关闭,但您现在可以预订未来的活动.

Golden Gate Club

Built in 1949, 金门俱乐部曾经是士兵服务俱乐部,也是几个历史性条约签署的地点. Today, 它是普雷西迪奥最受欢迎的庆祝活动和聚会场所, 拥有落地窗与贝博体彩app湾的景色, the Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz, and the Presidio forest. Containing seven different rooms of varying sizes, along with an outdoor courtyard, the Club is flexible for your needs.

Log Cabin

Originally a non-commissioned officers' club, 历史悠久的小木屋是贝博体彩app仅有的这样的场所之一. 位于普雷西迪奥西海岸的斯科特堡校园内, not far the Golden Gate Bridge, 这个质朴的小屋有一个大草坪,是举行婚礼或招待会的理想场所, and offers panoramic views of the San Francisco skyline. Read more about the Log Cabin here.

Presidio Officers' Club

For decades, 军官们与他们的同事和家人聚集在要塞军官俱乐部. Today, new generations are invited to host special celebrations, weddings, and meetings in this beautiful and historic venue. The Officers' Club features the stunning Ortega Ballroom, 设有一个室外露台,可以欣赏到贝博体彩app湾的全景. 露天的Hardie庭院非常适合小型聚会,招待会和展览. At the center of the Officers' Club is Moraga Hall, with a large fireplace anchoring its living room setting. The hall is often used for pre-event gatherings. The Officers' Club's proximity to the Chapel of Our Lady, Presidio Chapel, 和酒店在普雷西迪奥使它成为一个特别方便的位置,计划一个特殊的场合在公园. Read more about the Presidio Officers' Club venues here.

Chapel of Our Lady

建于1864年的圣母教堂是普雷西迪奥的第一座礼拜场所. 一代又一代的军事人员参加了这个非教派场所的服务. The Chapel is located within the Main Post, the cultural heart of the Presidio, 在要塞旅店和要塞军官俱乐部附近. 今天,它是婚礼、会议和音乐会最喜欢的背景. It is also available for memorial services.

Presidio Chapel

Graced with a breathtaking view of San Francisco Bay, 普雷西迪奥教堂是一个美丽而鼓舞人心的特殊活动的地点. Built in 1931 by the U.S. Army, 教堂的西班牙传教复兴式建筑以拱形彩色玻璃窗为特色, a magnificent fresco, a high ceiling with redwood beams, wrought-iron chandeliers, and lovely oak doors. 它最初被用作新教教堂,后来成为跨宗教礼拜的场所. The Mural Room, perfect for an intimate reception, 是否毗邻圣所并能看到山坡. Outdoors, a memorial garden lined with flowers, 草地和树木是举行户外仪式的最佳场所, taking photos, gathering before a ceremony, or hosting a standing reception.

Presidio Golf Course

普雷西迪奥高尔夫球场的俱乐部会所坐落在西海岸最古老的球场之一. 走到外面享受广阔的高尔夫球场的观点和戏剧性的日落从俱乐部的露台. Inside, the vaulted ceilings, 樱桃木镶板和法式门给房间带来一种精致而优雅的感觉. Read more about the Presidio Golf Course here.

Presidio Theatre

The Presidio Theatre 提供设施租赁,户外活动空间和600个座位的剧院. 无论你是在策划现场演出还是举办私人活动, 这座新装修的剧院融合了贝博体彩app的历史和现代设施, making it suitable for events of all kinds. Read more about the Presidio Theatre here.

San Francisco Film Centre

Located on the Presidio's Main Post, 贝博体彩app电影中心为各种活动提供多功能空间. The Film Centre's Palm Room, with adjoining covered veranda, 让客人享受自然的室内和室外空间与金门大桥的广阔视野. Their Screening Room, a state-of-the-art film and video facility, 为你的客人创造电影般的体验是完美的吗. Read more about the San Francisco Film Centre here.

Dining Event Spaces

Presidio的餐饮场所提供私人餐饮体验,可以与更大的场地功能相结合. Arguello features a contemporary bar and a large patio, as well as San Francisco's oldest dining room, The Anza Room. The Commissary 提供屡获殊荣的厨师特蕾西·德·贾丁著名的加州美食在一个历史悠久的前食堂在主邮报. Additional options include Sessions at the Presidio and the Presidio Social Club. For more information on dining within the Presidio, including catering options, click here.

For more detail on these venues, including floor plans, catering guidelines, and capacities, or to submit a Rental Request Form, please visit the Presidio's venue page here. While there, 请关注普雷西迪奥的开放日活动,参观设施, or send the events team a question at [email protected]

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